Caution: Malware Email - Sertec LLC

I very rarely get spam email, but this one got through my email spam and email virus scan.  And actually got me to click on the attachment, thank God my active virus protection caught it when I tried to open the attached Word document.  So under the assumption that others may run across this, please beware that this email is Spam with an active virus attachment.

Do not open fake email Invoice from Sertec LLC, it is Malware!!!

Here is what the body of the email contains:

Sertec LLC   

Invoice   Due:11/17/2015

Amount Due: $1,724.95
Dear Customer :

Your invoice is attached. Please remit payment at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your business - we appreciate it very much.


Sertec LLC

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As it appears on inbox

What it look like when viewed